Bitcoin MagazineNL en CryptoAcademy aanwezig op XL Crypto Event, 11 juni bij Business Club IMN

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Op maandag 11 juni organiseert Business Club IMN Amsterdam in Hilversum het XL Crypto Event, waar CryptoAcademy is gevraagd om ook een aantal presentaties te verzorgen. We zullen aandacht schenken aan ICO’s, IPO’s en Price Action Trading met Crypto’s. Daarnaast leiden wij een paneldiscussie. Ook zal Kees de Vos, CEO van MobileBridge, een presentatie verzorgen.

Zie hier het complete programma >>

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Ook Bitcoin Magazine is aanwezig als media-partner.

Het Crypto Event vindt plaats van 14:30 uur tot 21:00 uur in Hotel Gooiland te Hilversum. De toegangsprijs bedraagt 22,50 euro exclusief diner. Tickets zijn verkrijgbaar via Eventbrite. Dit event wordt georganiseerd door IMN en het is opgezet door J.T. Foxx een bekende succesvole Amerikaanse businesscoach. Naast alle waardevolle informatie over de Crypto’s is dit event bij uitstek geschikt om te netwerken met ondernemers en investeerders.

Het event is in het Engels, hieronder tref je de officiële uitnodiging aan:

“Education, inspiration and networking is something we all want. Therefore we are pleased to share this new opportunity with you. We are in close contact with the business club IMN Amsterdam and they are hosting an XL event on Crypto.

The event will cover everything from startups in the cryptocurrency space, to development, to mining, and current regulatory issues. All levels are welcome, beginners ask the best questions and veterans have the best answers.

Come meet like minded people who have deep knowledge of the bitcoin protocol are friendly and network together at our great venue at Gooiland in Hilversum.

Please have a look at our incredible line-up at IMN Amsterdam. You can register here at

IMN XL Crypto Event.

Who is IMN Amsterdam you may ask?

The Dutch chapter of IMN, the global and local network whose intention is to get you the tools, support, and connections to get your business to that first million, first ten million, or first 100 million.

This is your millionaire accountability group, who will not let you fail. We won’t pitch you at all. Our mission is to educate you by bringing in the best in the business and to give you the tools to help you and your business succeed.

IMN Amsterdam attracts everyone from high net worth individuals, startups, business owners, property investors, and prominent local celebrities.

It’s part of a global network of network clubs in the USA, UK, Canada, Scandinavia, Asia, Canada, Australia, and all over Europe. The idea is not only for entrepreneurs and investors to network and do business with each other locally but for you to connect to our global network and take your ideas to the next level.

So back to our Crypto Event: Please have a look at our incredible line-up at IMN Amsterdam. You can register here at IMN XL Crypto Event.”

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