Introducing Crypto Craig & Bitcoin Energy

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Crypto Daily are proud to introduce Crypto Craig from Bitcoin Energy, the latest influencer to take to our growing YouTube community – Crypto Daily Official YouTube Channel

Crypto Craig is a long time crypto enthusiast with a love for the industry. Craig has a sheer excitement for the industry that stemmed from his own research a few years ago. Craig quickly realised that this new form of internet money was not just a fad, it was a part of a far bigger revolution, one that continues to grow by the day (and one that keeps us all very busy).

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Craig believes in the technology, the democracy and the sprinkle of anarchy that comes with cryptocurrencies and is therefore pretty bullish about the future of everybody involved in it, ourselves included!

Bitcoin Energy

What is Bitcoin Energy? Bitcoin Energy is an energy drink that has been designed to help market the ‘brand’ of Bitcoin, Let’s remember that Bitcoin is not a product that is owned by anybody, the name and the ‘brand’ of Bitcoin can be appropriated and used anywhere, simply because no sole person actually owns the right to the idea of Bitcoin. Craig saw this and decided that Bitcoin makes the perfect vehicle for the marketing of other products – energy drinks included.

The energy drink, Liquid Asset, brings fun to the idea and the name of Bitcoin, it’s like a two sided marketing plan that has some very exciting possibilities indeed.

See more about Bitcoin Energy for yourself, here.

If you want to know a little more about Bitcoin Energy and the products plan for mass adoption then please watch the video (we aren’t going to give it all away in here are we, what’s the point in that?)

Craig details all of the movements behind this exciting project and also discusses in length about his experiences in crypto, including what led him into this space in the very first place. Welcome to the team Crypto Craig!

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s video!

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